A clear strippable wall paper paste as the adhesive for leather inserts
has proven to be the best all around glue.
"ROMANS GOLDEN HARVEST" from Lowe's Home Improvement is a good brand
"GH-34"( about $ 9 a gallon
). Golden Harvest
Universal Dry Adhesive.
Also recommended:ROMANS GH-34
Roman's PRO-880
Roman's PRO-838
ROMANS Universal Wheat Paste
ROMANS "Tecknabond"
If the above can not be found then
Roman's GH-57
Any Home Depot, Ace Hardware, Lowes stores carry this
brand. Any wall paper supply store.
When mixing the dry adhesive sprinkle the powder in a container of water
as it is being stirred. The thickness should be somewhere between
pancake batter and a thin pudding. The thinner the mix the longer the
working time. So for large leathers make the adhesive thinner with
This glue is water based so will not affect any finish and provides
the good adhesion and gives you enough working time to install and fit the insert.
I recommend applying the paste with a plastic spreader that has a serrated edge.
Of course you can use the original 18th and 19th century glue made from wheat paste.
Some of the Golden Harvest products are made with corn starch and wheat