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Re: diet drink spill on Mom's dining room table

Posted By: Greg Scholl <beatkat@adelphia.net> (67-22-200-210.albyny.adelphia.net)
Date: 7/6/5 18:10

In Response To: diet drink spill on Mom's dining room table (Martha Cotton)

Ashes and Mayonaise??......I wish people wouldn't listen to these wives tales....If it's a Drexel, then it's most likely lacquer. The first thing to do is to take some Mineral spiirits and get all the oil off from applying Mayo to it...did you let the Dr. Pepper stain dry? Water would have cleaned off the soda spill..... what you need is a product called Blush Eraser. the whitish cast you see in the finish is referred to as "Blush" It comes in a spray can and can be purchased through woodworker.com or some other place that sells aerosol lacquers. you have to let the area dry thoroughly and than spray the blush eraser on the area with overlapping motions. You want to spray on enough to wet the surface...but not OVER wet the surface. The whitish area should disapear almost immediately. If it comes back again it will not be as bad and you should apply it again the same way. If the area is rough to the touch after the blush eraser dries, then you will need to lightly sand with 600 grit wet/dry paper and touch up the area with some lacquer touch up spray, but this may require re polishing the entire table .....so see if the blush eraser will work first then we can guide you further on the process...

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