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have a question please?

Posted By: Missy Berg <melissaandjerryberg@msn.com> (1Cust928.an1.sfo17.da.uu.net)
Date: 5/18/5 14:00

In Response To: Re: Restoring Metal Door Hinges (Dianne Kennedy)

I dont know if I am barking up the right tree but here goes. I have lived on my property for the last 46 years or so. My family dates back about 100 years on this same property. I have stumbled across a old hinge that appears to be hand made. It is very rusty and looks like it was pounded into shape somehow to make it. It has a few square headed nails that look hand made also. I am not sure what this is or for that matter what to do with it. Would you have any ideas how to find out if it is very old or worth it to try to restore it? I would appreciate it if you might take time to find out for me...

THank you very much

Melissa (Missy) Berg

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