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Re: Got it - Thanks! Now question #3

Posted By: Greg Scholl <beatkat@adelphia.net> (67-22-200-210.albyny.adelphia.net)
Date: 4/14/5 22:08

In Response To: Got it - Thanks! Now question #3 (Charolette)

Hi Charolette, for an investment of about $60 you should be able to get a selection of 4-5 dye concentrates that will allow you to mix almost any shade...and will last you for quite some time. I use TransTints and the most used colors for me are Honey amber, Reddish brown, Black, Dark walnut, and Brown walnut. With that pallette of colors you can mix a huge variety of shades, and the concentrates can be used to tint virtually anything...shellac,lacquer,commercial stains,waterbased products, Gel stains, varnishes and polyurethanes,fillers,etc., and since they are dyes, the colors are clear and will never give you the muddy appearance of pigment stains.I tend to put glides on chairs as a rule, but first I put them on the table of my table saw and make sure the chair sits flat. Shy away from metal glides...use nylon or felt..

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