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Posted By: Greg Scholl <beatkat@adelphia.net> (67-22-200-210.albyny.adelphia.net)
In Response To: Rotted Chair leg tips - question #2 (Charolette)
Date: 4/10/5 11:38
The filler will probably need to be stained with a dye based stain, and the sooner after you shape and sand it the better. It continues to harden and the harder it gets the less it will take any stain. You can use an NGR methanol based stain or mix some from a dye concentrate like TransTints or Mosers Wizard Tints.Often I will tint the filler with a few drops of TransTints to make a stain match easier to do after the filler hardens. You have to be careful when adding to the 2 part fillers though...only a dye concentrate can be added...and only a little. Touch up the dried filler with the dye stain using an artists brush...you can do a few coats in a row, letting each dry 15 mins or so...than you could add a few drops of blonde or garnet dewaxed shellac to the stain, depending on whether you need to stay clear or add the amber color shift, to start to make it really set up...then once you get the right color to the filled area, finish as usual with the rest of the piece. Another technique can be gotten with a gel stain..depending on the wood and the grain, you can use the gel and a "dry" brush effect over a filled area, and even grain the area with missing grain detail if needed. Toning the final finish can also be used to add the final camoflage over the area....meaning adding color sparingly to the topcoat...you can buy premixed lacquer toners or make your own with virtually any other finish using the dye concentrates..moderation is the key to working with toning...too much color in the topcoats will make the piece look muddy,obscure the grain, or give it the dreaded "candied" look...While I do like some of Minwax's basic colors,( Special Walnut for instance..) their stains leave alot to be desired in many areas...there are some better stains out there, readily available or by internet or catalog order...Zar has some good products and their stains tend to have a lot more pigment, and again, I'll tout the benefit of the Bartley or similar, Gel stains...Minwax even has a line of Gels, but they're not carried by all their dealers...and Behlens/Mohawks 15 min pigmented wiping stains are also excellent.They are the most similar to conventional oil type pigmented stain, yet dry in only 15 mins., or slightly longer...not the typical 12-24 hours for most oil stains.
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