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Re: Restore brass barometer dial bezel

Posted By: James Schooley <furnitureissues@earthlink.net> (0-1pool246-141.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
Date: 4/4/5 17:14

In Response To: Restore brass barometer dial bezel (Jim)

We burnish brass with jewlers rouge and a high speed polisher and a cotton polishing wheel, since the rouge won't really work below 35,000 rpm. As a home type solution, a pad of 0000 steel wool and some Tarnix will remove the age and some of the scratches. A high speed drill and a mini buffing wheel will also work for the jewlers rogue, it will just be a bit slower. Wear gloves after this point, and wipe off any remaining rouge with a naptha wetted rag, then if you like the degree of shene you may want to use some brass lacquer to prevent any more finger printing and to hold the shine.

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