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Posted By: roger demuth <fero@sbcglobal.net> (adsl-68-72-217-40.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net)
In Response To: Re: duncan phyfe sofa (James Schooley)
Date: 3/27/5 14:46
How about the size of it? Phyfe produced furniture from around 1800 to about 1825, but I believe he only produced solid wood furniture. I could be wrong though. At any rate, there were not a lot of what we know as sofas produced at all 200 years ago. Some settees, but they are more the size of what we would now call a love seat.....much shorter than the basic six foot couch we see today. Even in Victorian times the sofas were usually shorter than today and that's within the last 100 years.
I think what Hillary wants to know basically is whether it is an antique or not, which brings up the big question.......what is an antique? My customers ask me and I tell them it depends on whether a person is buying ot selling! I've seen pieces people claim to be antiques that are younger than me, and I'm not an antique! My dictionary doesn't even have the word in it, but I've heard two definitions. Last I heard, the US customs Service says it has to have been made before the industrial revolution. 1840 and before? I don't think so. British customs says 100 years or older, which makes more sense. I go by the 100 year definition. Anything newer to me is a collectable. i would love to hear what you guys think on this.
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