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Re: advice needed on cedar

Posted By: roger demuth <fero@sbcglobal.net> (adsl-68-72-217-40.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net)
Date: 3/27/5 14:32

In Response To: Re: advice needed on cedar (Greg Scholl)

The only comment I've ever heard about Norm was from a customer a couple of weeks ago. She said she watched him a couple of times and was totally lost! The other comments I've heard have all been good. I would love to meet him but he is a little out of my area, me bing in Ohio.

I used Wil-bond years ago but can't find it in my area anymore. Regular paint stores around here a few so my supplies come from Home Depot, Sears, and Woodcraft. What i do remember about it is the toulene in it, which I didn't like. I don't worry about chemicals but that one scares me.

As to my cedar project, I finished sanding it today and proceeded to the staining. I wiped the back down with acetone and experimented with the gel stain on the bottom. It looked pretty good although the bottom wasn't surfaced at all. I ended up putting two coats of walnut gel and it looks terrific. It doesn't match the rest of the chest of course. Because I had 3 different kinds of wood in the chest I had to use 3 different stains---gel on the back, special walnut on the veneer, and on the legs and braces I used a combination of dark walnut and special walnut. It will comeout nice. Thanks for the gel stain suggestion. I have some trim appliques on the front had a faux burled walnut pattern. Can I used the gel stain to mimic that? I don't do much graining so I'm not good at it, and Ive never used gel stain before. I stick pretty much to oil base stains.

The poly I use now is Minwax, and with a sealer coat of shellac it always comes out great. Years ago I used Pratt and Lambert, which I like better the only dealer around here is too far away from me to deal with him. I get a finer finish than anyone in this area because as far as i can tell I'm the only one around takes the time to rub out a finish. People seem to want satin finishes these days so when I rub it out, I level it with 400 paper, followed by 600 wet. After that I buff with 00, then 0000 steel wool. Gloss is accomplished with wet sanding.....400, 600, and finally 1200. After that its pumice, rottenstone, and finally Maguiers automotice buffing compound. Takes a while but its worth it.

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