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Posted By: roger demuth <fero@sbcglobal.net> (adsl-68-72-215-167.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net)
In Response To: Re: Wood finishes (Greg Scholl)
Date: 3/26/5 16:11
I would agree with Greg on the poplar issue. i have never seen poplar used as a primary wood. It finishes beautifully but but the color is the problem. You might also consider using lacquer. It is more durable than shellac. Please don't get into the trap of people thinking polyurethane looks like plastic. It doesn't. Properly done you can make it look every bit as good as good old fashioned varnish. With proper rubbing out I can make it look every bit as good as lacquer to the average eye. I'm sure Greg could tell the difference but he is a professional. The only problem with lacquer is it has to be sprayed on, but you could use spray cans. Expensive but it works. I use spray cans on small pieces because I don't want to spend 5 minutes spraying and 15 minutes cleaning my gun! At any rate, as Greg said.........email a picture to one of us so we can see what you really have.
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