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Posted By: Greg Scholl <beatkat@adelphia.net> (ct-waterbury1b-56.wtrbct.adelphia.net)
In Response To: Oak table cherry stain (Susan)
Date: 3/22/5 22:44
Red is one of the toughest colors to "tone" out...if it is varnish you could lightly sand it down to provide "tooth", and glaze it with a gel stain mixed with some Transtint dyes, then tone with a tinted varnish topcoat, and re clear coat after a desirable color is achieved, but the trick is to keep the finish thin and not obscure the grain by over doing the coloring...and you absolutey can't sand through a layer or you're done......and working this way with varnish based materials is tricky because of the way varnish coats stick to each other, a mechanical bond versus a chemical...since it's red...you might be farther ahead to strip it...you don't want to use lacquer toners over varnishes...but it's the same techniques ....definately not that easy for a novice though..
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