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Posted By: Roger DeMuth <fero@sbcglobal.net> (adsl-68-72-214-206.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net)
In Response To: Re: refinshing chairs (James Schooley)
Date: 2/10/5 15:01
Chris, Well once again I have to agree with James. The only problem I have is his choice of sealer - ie. lacquer. In all likelihood the original finish was lacquer so using a lacquer sealer is entirely appropriate. However, the original finish may not be lacquer, and if it isn't you may have a compatibility problem. To solve this potential problem I use shellac as a sealer coat. Zissler makes a clear shellac in aerosol cans at about the same cost as Deft. Shellac will go over lacquer and under it both. I'm sure you would be just fine using Deft to seal but why take a chance.
One note of caution - aerosol cans can be expensive, like $4-5 a can. My experience is that you can get about 1 1/2 chairs done with a can doing multiple coats. This translates to $40 - 50 to do 8 chairs without factoring in paint. If you plan on many more projects like this it might pay to invest in a spray outfit. You can pick up a LPHV outfit for somewhat over $100 and your finish cost drops to about $10 a quart - enough for 8 chairs. If you do the table, usually another quart will be enough.
The balance of James'suggestions is exactly what I would do.
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