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Re: refinshing chairs

Posted By: James Schooley <furnitureissues@earthlink.net> (0-1pool246-131.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
Date: 2/8/5 03:42

In Response To: refinshing chairs (chris couch)

If you like the color of the stain as it appears on the unworn areas, clean well with paint thinner and a green scoth brite pad, work in a small area, wipe off all dirt while still damp and move on. Apply a couple coats of spray sealer, deft has a spray can product that will do, sand lightly with 600 grit sand paper between coats, do not sand through the sealer, if bare spots appear then reseal that area. Apply a black lacquer spray, from aresol product, check to be sure the product is a lacquer base spray paint. Sand away some of the paint where a worn look will give you the look you want. If the wear pattern is to much, repaint that area allow to dry and then sand again. Rub the remaining chair with a green scothc brite pad and wipe off all dust with a tack cloth. Apply a couple coats of satin lacquer, buff with 0000 steel wool when the last coat has had a couple days to dry. Apply a satin wax and buff to an even shine.

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