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Re: Wood in the bathroom?

Posted By: Greg Scholl <beatkat@adelphia.net> (ct-waterbury1b-56.wtrbct.adelphia.net)
Date: 1/26/5 21:57

In Response To: Wood in the bathroom? (Holli Gribbons)

The pipe looks like it's connected to the sink. If it is then it's probably the sewer gas pipe...never seen one made out of 4" cast iron waste pipe though....originally it probably went down through the house and connected another bathroom to the sewer line, but hard to know. You could use poplar for the shelf unit if you're painting it..then just make sure to use good quality paint..in an environment like that I'd probably use oil base paint....but even a good latex properly applied will last several years...another idea might be to use solid surfacing material..Corian, Avonite, Fountainhead or the like for the shelf around the tub, I've used pieces of that stuff for shelves on my boat, shelves for a plant stand,etc..and some shops that deal with the stuff have left overs that they might be willing to discount or even give away...the last piece I got I found at the transfer station in a dumpster....depends on your budget,too.

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