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Re: Gilt lettering on pharmacist's drawers

Posted By: Greg Scholl <beatkat@adelphia.net> (ct-waterbury1b-56.wtrbct.adelphia.net)
Date: 1/24/5 23:26

In Response To: Gilt lettering on pharmacist's drawers (Malcolm)

If the paper labels are the last thing applied, then you can probably remove them with an application of "Goof Off" or "OOPs" applied with an artists brush directly to the labels. Saturate the label and let it soak for a few minutes, and see if they start to loosen up. If the labels are under the later finish, but over the gilt...then you have a problem. I would test the finish to see if it is in fact varnish. The original finish would have been shellac ..If it turns out to be varnish..over the shellac, then it is not an easy undertaking to restore these. You could wet sand the drawer faces with 400-600 wet dri paper and some mineral spirits, or water/liquid dish soap solution, wiping with a clean cloth as you go, but obviously, anything chemically you do to remove the varnish layers will attack the shellac/gilding too...there are some amalgamating solutions on the market that will supposedly "reflow" the finish, but I have not had good luck with that process...keep us posted...hope this helps a little at least

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