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Posted By: Greg Scholl <beatkat@adelphia.net> (ct-waterbury1b-56.wtrbct.adelphia.net)
In Response To: Re: piano - dull streaks (James Schooley)
Date: 1/24/5 23:09
Hi Charlene..I'd just like to put in my two cents worth here...if the lacquer thinner has no effect then there is also the possibility that what you have is maybe not poly, but alkyd varnish. It really depends on the age of the finish, and who did it. In any event Varnish will clean and polish out well, much better than poly. Personally I wouldn't take any steel wool to it until I tried a cleaner polish type product. Mohawk makes something called "Deluxing compound" which is an excellent product, but hard to get because of their minimum order policy, etc. If you go to a good auto parts store, look for 3M's one step "cleaner wax" (#39006)in the black squeeze bottle.This is a polishing/cleaning compound that should set you back about $10, and arm yourself with several t-shirt rags and start by cleaning a section with some turps or Mineral spirits and follow with drying with a clean rag. Then try the 3M product...squeeze a drop about the size of a quarter to a half dollar onto a rag that's been folded into quarters to form a pad about 4"x3",and several layers thick, and buff in straight lines overlapping until the rag starts to drag and it's hard to buff.Let that dry to a haze and then buff off with moderate pressure with a clean rag. This process can be repeated to acheive the desired look, remember to really put some elbow grease into this process...some people think "polish" is something you buy in a spray can...We here know it as a verb...if you get my drift. This product and process should work on Shellac, varnish, Lacquer, and even Poly urethanes....most cars are painted with urethanes now a days, and this is a great little tool to have in your arsenal.
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