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Posted By: James Schooley <furnitureissues@earthlink.net> (0-2pool241-200.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
In Response To: Antique finish (Lisa)
Date: 12/19/4 14:20
The old furniture finishes were shellac up until WWII, you can indeed get shellac today. It can be found in many forms, off the shelf in the standard light wieght form (check the mfg. date to insure the product is not over three years old) premixed in a can. Or you can find it in button form, or flake and a couple other types such as dark unfiltered flake, orange, and blond (very clear). I have used the dark unfiltered shellac to replace the old finish you are asking about. You disolve the flakes in denatured alcohol and after a few days it needs to be strained through cheese cloth and then a good hair brush should be used to apply the mix. A good shellac consistancy should be about as thin as milk. A two lb. cut is fairly standard, a basic portion can be achieved by filling the container you are using, half full of flakes and then filling the entire container with denatured alcohol. You can find this product and instructions at- http://www.homesteadfinishing.com/htdocs/shellac3.htm
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