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Identifying finish

Posted By: Wlliam A <bpfinishingtouch@yahoo.com> (cache-dtc-aa17.proxy.aol.com)
Date: 10/20/4 17:27

A customer of mine has a circa 1930 deco table.The top had some orange peel& some small pin hole pits that looked like they may have been caused by air bubbles.It started out that he just wanted the finsh buffed out.I did & it came out real nice but now of coarse the pits show up even more and he would like them to go away.My plan was to sand& rebuild the finish without disturbing the original color or finish. I thought it was lacquer but thinner or alcohol doesn't soften it at all.It's a very high build & what ever is on it came on there from France as he just recently it.I'm 99% sure the top has been topcoated over the orinal but I don't know with what.Even though I did a small repair on the edge using aerosol lacquer with no problem I'm reluctant to pull the trigger on the spray gun without some advice.By the way I have not committed to this but he's agood client & it's a killer table.Any ideas?

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