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Re: Antique Painted Statue

Posted By: James Schooley <furnitureissues@earthlink.net> (0-2pool241-195.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
Date: 9/24/4 00:37

In Response To: Antique Painted Statue (Tom Rotelli)

The safest and easiest way to rid this piece of the dreaded Powder Post Beetle may be to simply freeze it, several times. The eggs will hatch right after a freeze, when the piece should spend a couple days at room temp, the newly hatched larve can then be killed with the following freeze. At least three freezes are needed, the temp should be below 10 degrees and should be mantained for eight hours each time. The adults may still be present in your home, and but may be most active in this piece. Some PPB are atracted to a select type of wood, but will make an exception if forced. You may want to purchase a pharamone trap to see if there are more beetles in other parts of your home. Look on the window pane where the sun light will attract them to breed. They are about one eight of an inch long, and the can fly, and will return to lay their eggs in the open grain of what ever wood they like best. Once you have rid the piece of the vermon, finish every inch with a grain filling coat of shellac to cover their future egg laying exploits. Buff the final coat with 0000 steel wool to reduce the shine. A google search will turn up several good sites that have pictures of the insect, sources for the traps, and Boracare. The chemical treatment to kill the larve that you can inject into the wood when freezing is not possible. Hopefully you won't have to treat the whole house, Good luck, James.

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