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Re: Gorilla Glue?????

Posted By: James Schooley <furnitureissues@earthlink.net> (0-2pool241-168.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
Date: 8/25/4 01:00

In Response To: Re: Gorilla Glue????? (Randall Brown)

Just for the record, Randall, Loctite brand glue is a CA (cyno-acrylate) glue just like Crazy Glue. It is a nonreversable glue, which means it has no solvent to remove it. This is a fact and you may wish to do a search to find proof if you wish not to believe me, I have only been refinishing antiques for 35 years now but I know I am right. Maybe you ment to say Weldwood or somthing else, but there is a purpose to this forum, that is to give sound and accurate advice to people who wish to restore antiques, that is in the site name for a good reason. If you like to reverse the assembly process on your furniture and call it an improvement that is your right, but I and other restorers find this to be a violation to good design and the future users of antiques. I spend long hard hours fixing goof ups of the misinformed repair persons who thought they could improve on somthing they had no involvment with in it's original design. Do you think that the owner of a valuable painting has the right to add to or remove some of the artist's work? As an artist I can tell you that is not your right. I realise most furniture does not fall into this catagory, but I don't know what people have befor them, it might be priceless. As for the removal of veneer, the back of a veneered table ,or the like, is layered equally, front and back. Regardless of how cautious one is when removing any of these layers, the back still having it's original veneer will result in a warping effect in due time. And yes most core wood is not as high in quality as the rest of the unveneered areas. I almost always find filler and cracks under veneer that were not ment to show. Just remember that the reader of this site wants to know how to restore an antique, and you can always give your opinion so long as you state that it is not a conservation proceedure when it is a modefication as you had reccomended. I am shure you are enjoying your efforts and the furniture repairs that have resulted from them. Good luck to you and I hope you have continued success.

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