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Posted By: Greg Scholl <beatkat@adelphia.net> (ct-waterbury1b-56.wtrbct.adelphia.net)
In Response To: Re: cracked drawer side (James Schooley)
Date: 7/20/4 01:35
I have seen this type of crack often as well, often the front of a drawer is either veneered or a harder wood, far thicker than the sides which are usually made of a secondary wood...often white pine in a european piece, and even though the grain does all run the same way, the thinner, softer sides can shrink more than the front where the dovetail tries to hold it from moving at a different rate, and a crack results. In any event, if the crack is open, then the method I suggested in the earlier post would work fine, and any glue should form a bond stronger than the wood, when the crack fits together again. As a matter of course, I just tend to stay away from epoxies, bondo,plastic wood, etc., on antiques, thats all I was saying....and try to repair the damage as correctly and true to the piece as possible..... but thats me...
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