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Re: Help with old trunk

Posted By: James Schooley (0-2pool241-166.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
Date: 6/21/4 20:44

In Response To: Re: Help with old trunk (Candace Wagner)

The product on the outside of you trunk is a compressed paper, like a thin masonite. The stuff I have worked with had a shellac like mix in it and a heavy wax applied to the outside. I have cleaned it with naptha and removed discoloration from water with alcohol in a spray bottle. Any cracks can be repaired with sealing wax or a fill stick of the right color mixture (was stick, used to fill nail holes) If you want to save the old newsprint you could try to use light steam to reactivate the hide glue under neath, a light setting on your steam iron will do, keep a light cotton cloth between the paper and the iron for protection. Work carefully around the metal with an artist brush and lacquer thinner to remove any finish on the metal parts so you can polish and recoat with brass lacquer, if the metal should need recoating.

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