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Stucco Failure

Posted By: Charlie Bill <cwbous@aol.com> (cache-dtc-ad01.proxy.aol.com)
Date: 6/9/4 18:45

I know, I know. Stucco? What's this have to do with the restoration of antiques? Well, I have an 1829 Federal house and at this moment feel a little bit like Princess Leia (sp) from STAR WARS when I say, "only you can help me... " as I have conferred with all the experts to no avail. Upon the recommendation of a paid "expert," I used a stucco formula for soft brick, then sealed it after I watched it begin to deteroriate and then applied 2 coats of exterior latex paint. The stucco has failed (pulled away from the surface, become chalky and/or peeled, etd) from all three different surfaces: the soft brick, stone (lime stone for steps) and concrete blocck (porch supports). Obviously there is a problem and the question is: what stucco formula would you recommend for: soft brick, limestone and concrete block? I have been told that "lime" while helpful in the application can contribute to failure. What say you? I have pictures which illustrate the problem should anyone wish to see them ( write me: cwbous@aol.com) Hope to hear from someone...because as I said, ALL the experts thus far have been wrong. Charlie Bill

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