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Re: French farm house longcase clock

Posted By: James Schooley (0-1pool247-166.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
Date: 6/1/4 10:08

In Response To: French farm house longcase clock (Lyn Coleman)

Most likely you have a shellac finish on this item. The safest way, I know of for removal of shellac, is to mix 2/3 alcohol, 1/3 lacquer thinner. Apply with a brush, wait a couple minutes and lightly lift off the old finish with a hard plastic putty knif. Re apply more of the mix and scrub in the direction of the grain with 0000 steel wool or a coarse clean rag. Continue in one foot square areas until all the finish is gone. Comercial strippers will work also, but I think that some of the "safe" strippers are not so good on old wood since they take so long and leave the sticky mess to allow some ingredents, including some water, to seep into the face wood and joints.

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