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Posted By: James Schooley (0-2pool241-242.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
In Response To: Black ebony finish problems (Suzanne)
Date: 5/25/4 03:08
I don't think the finish is loosening and wipeing off, but as you say, there is a gooey area that is a problem. You may be right about old polish and grime. At this point I would try cleaning in a safe spot with paint thinner and a cotton rag, if the same residue starts to appear, then that is most likely the problem, dirt and old wax. Try this at one of the bad spots and see if the residue will wipe off completely and not return. If this works, then clean off the entire piano until you have a bare finish, then wax a small spot with a good paste wax, like Bri Wax, if this starts looking good then continue over the whole piano, one area at a time, and buff as you go to create a good shine. Clean with no more furniture polish, a light wipe with Lemon Oil will be better, and rewax from time to time.
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