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Posted By: Scott <scott@usedhitchcockfurniture.com> (cache-mtc-ae16.proxy.aol.com)
In Response To: Re: Hitchcock Chair (Elizabeth Szathmary)
Date: 5/15/4 18:46
I'll try to help as much as I can here. First you cannot replace a stencil, I have watched the girls from Hitchcock do it and it is an art form. The entire table must be stripped and done over. There are a couple places in Ct that do it, but it is very expensive.
Rush seats cost about $150 each to re rush. Again it is an art form. It is difficult to learn how to fiber rush, it is twice as hard to natural rush and make it look good. The two sisters at Hitchcock were able to rush 5 seats each a day. It is problable 3 to 4 hrs per chair plus materials for someone who does not to it full time.
To touch up a black chair, usually satin black spray paint works best.
I hope i'm not imposing or breaking any rules by putting my web site up. I didn't see a rule on this page against it so.... www.usedhitchcockfurniture.com
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