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Posted By: Julie <dougandjulie@bellsouth.net> (adsl-215-72-26.bct.bellsouth.net)
Date: 5/4/4 08:59
Hi, I just found a chest of drawers stamped LANE Altavista, Va. The back is stamped
SN 752190
I was wondering if these numbers can tell me the age of the piece. It looks pretty retro. the top two drawers have pulls that look like old tv knobs. the bottom four have a thin metal strip that curves out so you can open them. There is metal on the feet of the chests (which are just round peg like feet) and a dowel like decoration bar that runs between the front feet. Its pretty neat, but there is a bit of wear and tear. The top was wet with dew when I found it this morning, but it may dry okay. some of the trim on it is coming off though and I want to know if this may be worth refinishing or if I just have a sturdy dresser for my kid brother to use.
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