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Posted By: Greg Scholl <beatkat@adelphia.net> (ct-waterbury1b-56.wtrbct.adelphia.net)
In Response To: Re: polyurethane bad choice? (James Schooley)
Date: 4/4/4 12:04
Well I do apologize if I have projected attitude in my posts, I am trying not to be adversarial. I just read your comprehensive, well thought out post regarding the trunk restoration, and yet I see you recommending black shoe polish, (containing mostly wax..) and then to coat with lacquer over that. I feel that I must speak up that this is not a compatible recipe and the lacquer will not adhere properly.These straps were probably black lacquered or possibly oil enameled originaly, either one of which would work well with the same method you describe. Again, I am not trying to be combative, but I think that others would readily agree with this point...coating wax with lacquer is not a good idea. We can agree to disagree on many point's, and that is fine...yet I believe that people reading these posts (especially newbies)need to know some of these points. We've all been doing things "our" way for many years, and I, probably like you, move with trepidation towards a contrary method sometimes...I notice that you are currently a member of Groop...how long have you been?...I used to be, and posted pretty extensively a few years ago...a good resource yet I find the $75 a little steep. Please know that I respect what this site does and try to respect the posters, especially the main one..(you).....and perhaps together we can do what Groop tries to do yet for others that choose not to be a pro or cough up the $75 a year.
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