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Posted By: Tom Bohs <tbohs@hotmail.com> (
In Response To: Furniture Stripper (Don)
Date: 3/10/4 22:01
In my experience, using a commercial stripper will pretty much destroy the patina. If the problem is just wax buildup, dirt and the like -- and depending on the condition and nature of the underlying finish -- I would first use a soft brush or fine steel wool and paint thinner, or other solvent appropriate to the finish, to clean the piece. That will remove the wax, dirt, etc. but leave most of the patina. Rinse the piece well with clean solvent and let it dry 24 hours. Then assess where you are. If the piece has not been severely abused or already refinished in some way that compromised the integrity of the original finish, you might only have to apply a little shellac, varnish or try a simple french polish treatment to get where you want to go. Stripping should be your last alternative when nothing else works, not your first. If you have to stip, I find any of the commercial strippers to be adequate. When it comes to saving patina, go slow.
Good luck
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