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Re: restoring a steamer trunk my self

Posted By: theresa <theresasmiling98499@yahoo.com> (64-40-61-19.nocharge.com)
Date: 2/2/4 08:25

In Response To: Re: restoring a steamer trunk my self (Jane Orrison)

my camelback trunk was picked at a second hand store for 89.00 dollars which of course never seeing one live, i had to have it. i noticed on the outside lock panels there is a pat.date oct. 17 71. the outside is painted blue gray color and all the wood is painted black. the tin on it is also painted the blue gray color. is that the natural color from the factory? the inside had wall paper so i got a blow dryer and removed all of the wall paper to restore it to what was meant to be and found a picture of a woman on the lid, only from her neck down was saved though. so what color is it suppose to be and should i restore the outside? is that pat. date the date of the trunk or are they talking in genreal when trunks were being pat.? and the big question, are they selling hot? what would you say they are going for?

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