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Re: berkey and gay dining room

Posted By: Sean McLinden <mclinden@informed.net> (quincy.informed.net)
Date: 1/13/4 10:11

In Response To: berkey and gay dining room (joann)

I am trying to locate Berkey and Gay dining room set that was purchased at a yard sale in Canton, Ohio in the early 1970's. The set was owned by my grandmother and what was sold was the table, chairs (including two captains chairs) and sideboard. My mother retained the china closet which is remarkable for a painted figure (partridge?) on each door. As I recall, the sideboard end doors had the same figure.

The set was sold because my mother had no room in her house and could not afford to keep the entire set in storage but I would very much like to reunite the china closet with the rest of the set as it has great sentimental value to me.

If anyone is aware of such a set and can point me to a location, I would greatly appreciate it.

Sean McLinden Pittsburgh, PA

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