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Posted By: Tina <tinanbrent@sbcglobal.net> (adsl-66-142-147-88.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net)
Date: 12/28/3 19:55
I have several frames that are highly decorated with shells, scrolling flowers etc. The frames appear to have been painted with a transparent pigment over the gilding. These are bubble glass frames the family portraits are circa 1926. I also have the standard Maxfield Parish prints that both sets of grandparents had at that time. One frame is gesso and wood, the other in leather/gesso/wood. Is there a specific name for this style of decoration? Or is there a specific name in restoration lingo that I can use in an effort to find a professional restoration service near my home? What is the colour used for the flowers and the wash used to set off other designs in the longer sections of the frames? Thanks
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