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Re: Glazes

Posted By: James Schooley (0-1pool247-236.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
Date: 12/27/3 18:12

In Response To: Re: Glazes (tim)

Japan colors can be used in all oil base staines and finishes, even in the lacquer or as I prefer in the sealer, so it ends up under the top coats, this is to make a tint that will allow me to tone out problem areas that are too light. No more than 10% of any dye in a stain or finish, but as much as 25% in a paint base. Any color that works is good, I just buy the sharpest colors I can, in black, white, and the primary colors and mix every thing from stratch. I use a digital scale and write down the end results so I can remix later if I need to. Also I keep a color sample on a note card with the name of the job so I can repeat the finish if they come in for a repeat.

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