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Re: 1860's Rosewood piano

Posted By: Michael Richwine <woodwiz@birch.net> (dialup1-104.birch.net)
Date: 12/2/3 20:10

In Response To: Re: 1860's Rosewood piano (James Schooley)

Now that's interesting. I've been making, restoring, and finishing furniture for over 30 years and I'd never heard of that. It's just the sort of answer I was looking for. Thank you.

Have you done this yourself? Would it affect the color of the rosewood? Are you sure that such a strong alkali as ammonia wouldn't damage the shellac? I know ammonia cleaners are hell on shellac and NC lacquers -- I've fixed enough furniture that was damaged by inappropriate cleaners. I know you're talking about fumes only, but ammonia fumes darken woo dwith tannin content.

I'd go ahead and try your suggestion without so many questions, but I don't have anything to experiment on, and it would take a very long time to prepare anything for a test.

How does glycerin react with hide glue? I know I use it in a formula to flatten veneers. Anybody think it would be appropriate here?

Thanks to everybody for the feedback so far.

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