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Re: Duncan Fyffe buffet and china cabinet

Posted By: pianoford <pianoford@hotmail.com> (tnt9-216-180-68-11.dialup.hiwaay.net)
Date: 11/22/3 18:34

In Response To: Re: Duncan Fyffe buffet and china cabinet (James Schooley)

My husband and I aquired the table and 4 chairs from his parents estate. On a later move to a different part of our state we purchased from another estate sale the china cabinet. It is questionable whether or not it was from the same sold sets of furniture. Irreguardless he then set out to restore the pieces. To us it was a priority to be usable and not the value or keeping origianl finishes that tend to make the piece more valuable. There were several veneer pieces that had become beyond restoring. He removed these and found the underneath wood prettier. The wood turned out to be red maghony. It is now in use at our home and continues to be treasured. Fully refinished! We have used it in several homes we have ;ived since. It was used in a formal setting, then casual and today we are using it again in the combined formal and less formal setting in our home. Good Luck in your restoring. PF

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