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New here- gossip bench

Posted By: Nmissi <Nmissi@insightbb.com> (12-223-106-225.client.insightbb.com)
Date: 10/23/3 15:05

Hi all. I've spent all morning on ebay, trying to identify my new find, with no luck- happy I've found my way here, thank Google. Maybe someone will have some ideas.

I picked up a telephone bench/gossip bench thingie at a yardsale recently for 20 dollars. I know zip about antiques, I just fell in love with it at first sight. The wood is dark, but I don't know enough about woods to identify it. However, when I cleaned it, it has the prettiest reddish highlights. There is cutwork? along the back, in a pretty, open pattern, and those highlights really show up there. Stylewise, I'd say it's very pretty, but simple- a slight curve to the legs, the cutwork along the back, and the wood grain itself are all the decorative bits the piece has.

The reason I'm posting is that it has some damage- the undersides of the shelves are pulling away, separating. I want to repair them, but I'm hesitant to do anything that might damage the piece's value, if it has any. Can I just glue it back together and clamp it?

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