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is this mahogany?!?!?!? and did I mess it up?!?!?

Posted By: Lara <cwgrl7473@aol.com> (spider-wl071.proxy.aol.com)
Date: 9/28/3 19:41

I recently "inherited" a chest of drawers and dresser from my mother. We always have assumed it was mahogany. They are very ornate with a flower trim below the first drawers and what look like bedposts carved into the wood running down the sides to the legs. There is a label on the back of the dresser from National Furniture Company in Mount Airy, North Carolina. I decided to clean them up because of discolorations in the finish, water marks, waxy build-up, etc. I used a furniture refinisher that wasn't supposed to strip the finish with 000 steel wool. It has always been a very dark brown dirty matte finish. I have cleaned two drawers on the dresser and they are a medium reddish-brown with dark vertical stripes. It has a sheen to it when the light hits it. It is a very beautiful wood but I don't know what it is... It doesn't look like any of the other mahogany furniture that I have. It isn't bare wood. It is a very smooth surface, pores are visible in the wood. It isn't a veneer. Did the refinisher work too well? Do I need to stain it or put any type of finish on it? Any info. on that furniture company?!? Any ideas and suggestions are more than welcome!!!!

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