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Re: Having a fit with shellac!

Posted By: James Schooley <jschooleyfamily@earthlink.net> (0-1pool246-212.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
Date: 9/19/3 02:31

In Response To: Re: Having a fit with shellac! (Maureen)

What you describe sounds like moisture in the finish, that is a blush. Blush remover is used to soften a finish and then slowly allow the moisture to evaporate as the finish dries clear. A spray can of Shellac may work in this case, many paint and hardware stores carry this. Where are you working, is there a lot of humidity there? That will be a factor, but if things don't clear up you may need to strip and refinish after all. If you brush alcohol onto a streaked area and let it dry that may help let the streaks disolve into the finish better than wiping, but don't do a lot of brushing, just get it wet and let it dry. Blush remover is not avaible through most supply sources, unless you are in a large community.

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