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Posted By: Mary Bange <mebange@yahoo.com> (ga-cmng-cuda1-c5a-a-211.atlaga.adelphia.net)
Date: 9/13/3 17:39
I bought an antique lamp (not sure exactly how old)equipped with a white milk-glass-type glass globe that unfortunately hit the concrete as I was leaving the garage sale. The globe had a 3" wide x 3/4 " high sleeve that fit into a holder with no mechanisms to lock it into place. The glass then expanded into a 6 7/8" white ribbed glass globe. It ended by closing back with an approximately 3-5" hold in the top. The lamp base appears to be copper with an upward curving small shelf about halfway up the shaft to hold flowers or something. Can anyone steer me to a company that might make replacement globes for this type of lamp? It's really a pretty little thing and I would love to have it complete again. I've searched the WEb but have no idea where to begin looking. Thanks for any help. Mary.
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