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old canvas top chest

Posted By: chad <chippie648@yahoo.ca> (h24-79-68-97.wp.shawcable.net)
Date: 9/11/3 15:55

I recently bought this old chest at a thrift shop for $30. I am wanting to refinish it. Thus far, I have stripped the canvas and paint off of the exterior, but there are wooden strappings around the edges and one around the middle of the trunk. These are held in place with what looks like brass. I am hesitant to take of the strapping for fear of damaging them. As goes for the brass pieces too. Firstly, can I use my chemical stripper over top of the "brass" fittings and clean them up afterwards, or no? Secondly, the handles on either side, and the hinge in the back are leather. What, if anything can I do to restore those? The leather is cracking pretty badly. If it sounds un-salvageable, what should I use to replace these? And Finally, I saw that it was recomended in a previous message to finish the interior with paper. Is it possible to upholster the inside of this trunk with padding and fabric over top? If so, how would I go about that? The inside of the trunk looks like it just has a primer coat on it now. Any information or tips you can give would be greatly appreciated. I am new to this, but am enjoying it muchly.

Thanks in advance.


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