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Re: Rhinelander Icebox

Posted By: Douglas Aderhold <DAderhold@aol.com> (cache-rc05.proxy.aol.com)
Date: 8/15/3 19:00

In Response To: Re: Rhinelander Icebox (Steve Elvine)

Just today we purchased a Rhinelander icebox for a resonable price. We would like an estimate as to it's market value if you have the ability to do so. The case of the icebox is in fair condition with no watermarking or heavy wear evident. The back of the case has some minor but easily restorable rot on the trim around the ice loading door. The hardware is all functional showing resonable wear for an item of the period. The inside of the case is lined with galvinised metal with considerable topical cleaning reqired (no rust) The inside has large amounts of deposit like paper that was saturated then allowed to dry in small patches. The icebox has instructions inside the food compatment door that are partially scraped away down the center making them practically useless. On the back of the icebox isa manufacturer's shipping lable requesting the recievor inspect for damage and secre the r.r. agent's signature if damaged. The company's motto"Rhinelanders refridgerators have stood the test"follows along with the purchasers adress which reads" all metal sales company 620 det. savings bk bldg Detriot.Michigan If you could be of help evaluating this item i would be grateful Thanks!

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