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Posted By: Charlie <CLatowsky@verizon.net> (pool-151-203-80-222.bos.east.verizon.net)
Date: 8/15/3 06:37
Forgive me if this is too basic a question, but I've read numerous contradictory articles about how to hide repaired dents and gouges. I'm trying to fill and repair several deep gouges in pine furniture which has a natural finish.
1. Is it better to use a filler which can be stained to match the surrounding wood or use a filler which is already tinted to match the surrounding wood?
2. I've read that a filler can be made from saw dust (from the same kind of wood) and glue. If so, what's the best glue so that it will take stain?
My compliments to those of you who contribute to this web site. Your patience with us novices is admirable.
Charlie (still learning)
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