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Re: Lightening wood finish

Posted By: Jim Cole (64-40-66-242.dialup.mebtel.net)
Date: 3/24/0 08:45

In Response To: Lightening wood finish (Kathryn)

My first try would be with soap and water don't soak it just dampen the surface and wipe down with a clean sponge or paper towel. Next on the list would be mineral spirits ( paint thinner). Wet it an wipe dry with paper towel. If the finish is still sound you can rework it with a 50/50 mix of lacquer thinner and denatured alcohol. Wet it with 00 steel wool squeezed out till it stops dripping wipe it on with the grain it will wet the finish and remove some of it so be careful. Let it dry for a week and level the finish with 600 grit wet/dry paper then recoat with clear lacquer if needed. Removing the junk and gunk will lighten the piece. Try these steps first on an inconspicuous place. If it is mahogany it will still be fairly dark, It could be lightened more by stripping and bleaching, but I would not reccomend that approach as it sounds like you have a nice piece that may be worth perserving.

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