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Posted By: James Schooley <jschooleyfamily@earthlink.net> (0-1pool247-253.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
In Response To: Lengthening rails for Oak bed (Tyler B)
Date: 7/29/3 02:39
Sure there is a way, you cut the rail lengthwise starting from 6" in at the top to 6" in at the bottom. Slide the pieces apart till they are the legnth you want and clamp and glue them back together using Gorilla Glue or slow cure (T88) epoxy. Trim off the extra width that now shows on the top and on the bottom with a plane and restain. A few bisquits or a groove and spline to help realign the face is beneficial, clean off all excess glue befor it dries to avoid loosing the finish. With a sharp fine tooth blade some masking tape to avoid splinters, and a fence board clamped along side your saw you should get an invisable joint. Plane a little if needed befor glueing, but make sure the plane is sharp and set true. Now you know what a board strecher is.
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