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Posted By: James <james@antiquerestorers.com> (ads.1111.mia.bellsouth.net)
In Response To: dating antiques (j duke)
Date: 5/8/3 22:50
You have picked a very broad subject. Dating and or estimating age of antiques has filled many a book so here goes. Even though machines started to be used in the manufacture of furniture in the 1830's it was not until the 1880's that dove tails were cut by machines, and it only became a widespread wood working technique with the common availability of electricity in the early 20th century.
"Panel construction--some of the early antique pieces are a two ply construction, a pine core with a face veneer, when did panels go to a five ply construction?"
Veneering was first used over 5000 years ago in ancient Egypt. More recently the Dutch introduced veneering to the English in the late 17th century. A very good technique for dating furniture is to see how thick the veneer is. Multiple ply construction on furniture first became popular during the early Victorian period by furniture maker John Henry Belter.
"Shellac finishes changed to lacquer?" Late 1920' to early 1930's.
"Hide glue was replaced by new glues?" 1930's.
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