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Posted By: LisaRichter <LisaRichter9@hotmail.com> (LakeshoresLib-98.nat.wiscnet.net)
Date: 4/29/3 13:33
Hello. I have an antique bed frame, actually the whole thing;exposed springs and then the mattress. It has a headboard and footboard, and the sides of the frame is also wood. I know I am probably not explaining this well. There are slots on each piece headboard/footboard and the side frames slide into these pieces, sorta looks like big hooks. Then there are four pieces of wood maybe like 2x4's and some smaller that lay on the lip of each side piece. The bed must be lined up perfectly then the springs, then mattress. I would like to refinish the headboard/footboard and convert into a regular queen size, although it seems to be a little smaller. I have not measured it. I am new at these things but would really like to make it work. It belonged to my grandmother. It is all I have left from her things. I am also refinishing an antique sewing table that I would like to convert into a vanity table to match. Any help in finding out how I can do this would be appreciated. Sincerly, Lisa Richter
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