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old chest

Posted By: Deb Fagan <sixkids@comcast.net> (pcp01475226pcs.montvl01.pa.comcast.net)
Date: 7/4/2 17:28

I just read some info on types of finishes and now feel bad since I just applied polyurethane to the top of the chest. Would you recommend I resand and apply a shellac then laquer. The chest once belonged to my grandmother and I believe someone in the family may have made it. Please don't tell me about what the value may have been "untouched", I am already aware of that. For this particular piece the dollar value means nothing to me. I just want to enjoy the piece as she once did. Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Can you put the finishing touches over a tung oil? Thanking you in advance. Deb Fagan

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