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teak wood furniture

Posted By: Denis Hannah <dhglasgow@sympatico.ca> (HSE-Toronto-ppp312537.sympatico.ca)
Date: 8/26/5 14:41

In Response To: Re: teak wood (Greg Scholl)

Hi, we have a teak veneer dining room table, my wife left some wraping paper on it and had put a bowl on top of it(I know ...I know ....don't ask). It has left a mark where the edge of the bowl base was, like a glass ring stain only darker.I think maybe the teak oil has absorbed some of the ink from the wrapping paper. I have rubbed it with 0000 wire wool and teak oil, it has taken some of it out , but there it is still enough left to be very noticeable. Does anybody have any tips for removing this or stains from teak? Thank you in adavance for any tips or ideas. Denis Hannah

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