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Posted By: James Schooley <furnitureissues@earthlink.net> (0-1pool247-111.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
In Response To: Re: Follow up to Help! I ruined my antique table (Lindy)
Date: 8/22/5 20:39
As I see it, the finish may be shellac, alcohol will soften it easily useing an artist beush in an out of the way spot. If the finish becomes soft and runny with alcohol then it is not a lacquer or poly, which is good. the fact that it piled up in swirls leads me to believe that it is a finish and not a wax/oil or the like, a soft finish. The soft finish cna be removed easily with mineral spirits or naptha, or steel wool will displace it into the steel wool pad like a smudge. Where as shellac and hard finishes will produce a powder when rubbed with steel wool, or dust. You can proceed with the mineral spirits and wax and leave the repairs till later. One solution for shellac, if that is what you have, is to sand a bit with 320 grit wet dry sand paper and mineral spirits, and as the swirls deminish, recoat with more shellac. You may do this later after wipeing off the wax, using mineral spirits and a cotton cloth. After a few sandings and recoats the surface will become smooth again. The reamagalmation, which is what Howard's is intended for, will do the same thing, only faster and with out all the sanding and recoating. But you can do all this any time you are ready, ie. after reading some, sorry you got bad advice, that is why we are here trying to help. Good luck, James :-)
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