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Re: Mirror frame

Posted By: James Schooley <furnitureissues@earthlink.net> (0-1pool246-164.nas2.sioux-city1.ia.us.da.qwest.net)
Date: 8/16/5 21:38

In Response To: Re: Mirror frame (Caroline)

You must test for latex to see if the simpler solution will work on both coats of paint. If there is oil base paint then just skip the alcohol altogether as the latex will come off with the previous coat, free of charge, so to speak. As for the container, a big box will do, tape up the openings and give it a whorl, the bag can go outside if that works better for you. The gold leaf will hold so long as the base is sound and real gold will help in this regard. Since this is a big object, when you get a section cleaned off, cover it with waxed paper, then put the frame back in the box, this will help protect the gold that is exposed. Know this, there is no easy way to save a painted frame like yours in any other method I know of. If it works for you then you are in hog heaven, if not and all the coatings fall off, then it is no worse than the usual stripping would have delivered, it's a gamble, with nothing to lose. I hope you are in a lucky realm, let me know if you succeed. We are all crossing our fingers for you, James ;-)

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