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Great-grandma's dresser

Posted By: Christine <ctibaldirice@optonline.net> (ool-4354b1bc.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: 8/13/5 15:28

I have a very old dresser that belonged to my great-grandmother. I believe it was made by Baker in Grand Rapids, Michigan sometime in the early 1900's. I don't know what kind of wood it is but the inside of the drawers have a slightly pink hue and a very distinctive aroma. While the dresser is very solid and the wood is dry and not warped at all, the outside of the piece is pretty banged up. There are a couple of scratches and chips and I would like to restore it but don't want to ruin it. My grandmother is of the opinion that if it looks like ugly there is no real antique value to it anyway, is that correct? I would like to keep this piece for a long time. Do you have any suggestions on how to go about restoring it without damaging it?

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